How to get bigger lips

What woman doesn’t dream of having beautiful and sensuous breasts? Unfortunately, mother nature hasn’t been generous with them all! (With me, yes! I am very pleased and delighted with my lips, for that I have my dad to thank 🙂 )

Sexy, romantic, smooth and shiny, lips, I would say, are a woman’s “calling card”. Yes, especially when we want to win a man over. They say the first thing a man sees in a woman is her lips. Well, and that’s kind of where this desire in women to show off their lips comes from.

Women endowed with big, fleshy lips may not even pay attention to this aspect, but women with thin lips want voluminous lips and then it’s a real problem.

In this post I will explain some tricks on how to make your lips look bigger. There are some natural remedies that I sometimes apply myself and the result is amazing. It will surely pleasantly surprise you too when you look great with the lips you’ve been wanting!

Ingredients: cinnamon, honey, extra virgin olive oil, lemon, lip liner and lipstick.

  1. Mix one teaspoon of olive oil with three drops of lemon, take a cleansing pad and apply to lips, massaging gently. This recipe moisturizes and gives volume to your lips.
  2. The second option is to cover the lips with a thin layer of honey, just massage gently and leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. And you’ll see the effect immediately.
  3. Another composition is scinnamon. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with a little bit of lustre. Apply the composition to your lips and leave it on for about 10 minutes, then rinse your lips.
  4. Another good alternative is a makeover. Forhow to have fleshy lips a good fleshy lips effect, you should know how to blush using lip liner. To get fuller lips you should know that it is important to use a pencil of a darker colour than your lipstick. So take the pencil (e.g. beige) and sketch the lips a little outside the natural lip contour, then apply lipstick with a darker shade, and a little lipstick.

In the end you can admire the result.
In the next post I will show you some tricks how to get the lip shape you like best.