Fur vest. How to wear

In my last post I was talking about the bell-shaped skirt and the fur vest, where you saw from my pictures, I was wearing a very glamour and chic vest with fur collar for the cold season, and then, I promised you that I would add new elements to the outfit for a day out. As we are all in the middle of the winter and the it’s pretty cold outside, I could not go out simply wearing a shirt and a fur vest. This time, I would like to talk about how to wear a fur vest in the winter, to keep you warm and to be charmful. In the following images, you may see how I chose, to wear the fur vest.

How to match a fur vest

Of course, the way you match a certain coat depends very much on the circumstances, the way the fur looks like or, the good sense or the creativity everyone has. Obviously, there is no such thing as a precise rule to match a coat, as there is not a certitude that what we like has to be appreciated by other, the same way, but we can always get inspired by other people’s choices. What is important is to be constructive, not only critics, but also good analysts. It’s important to analyze, to compare, and to understand what we don’t like, or what we don’t like and why we do so. We should always ask ourselves, what did we do to make it better or more beautiful.

A fur coat is just like a jewelry, a kitsch or natural, but it has to be worn as one if we desire to leave a feeling of admiration around us. A fur vest can be worn in two ways during the winter, under the coat, leather jacket, etc., or over the winter clothes. During the autumn or in the spring, when we don’t need to wear thick winter clothes, a fur vest can be very helpful if worn even over the jacket, thus creating a layering pleasant aspect.

For my stroll at Santuario di Oropa that is situated above the city of Biella, at an altitude of over 1500 m, where the cold is pretty easy to be noticed, I chose to wear this fur vest together with my black coat, that you have already seen here before and a 50’s – 60’s style woolen black hat. Because it was a sunny, beautiful day, the sunglasses were not absent, alongside with a bag that perfectly matched the Bordeaux boots.