Catedrala din Siena-fatada
Siena Cathedral: A masterpiece of Gothic architecture
Siena, a charming medieval city located in the heart of Tuscany, is home to a priceless artistic treasure: the Cathedral of Siena, also known as Duomo di Siena. This masterpiece of Italian Gothic architecture will amaze you with its spectacular black and white marble facade, stunning carvings and brilliant mosaics.

A brief history of the Cathedral of Siena:

Construction of the cathedral began in 1229 and spanned several centuries. It was designed by a number of famous architects, including Nicola Pisano and Giovanni di Cecco. The cathedral was completed in the 14th century, but work on the interior continued into the 16th century.

Fațada Catedralei din Siena
Facade of Siena Cathedral

What you can admire at Siena Cathedral:

Façade:The cathedral façade is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic sculpture.

  • The Exterior of the cathedral is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with its facade decorated in black and white marble, symbolising the traditional colours of Siena. The façade is adorned with carvings and mosaics depicting biblical scenes, creating a striking visual effect. One of the striking elements of the exterior is the rose, an ornamental circular window that adds a touch of elegance to the façade.

  • Interior: The interior of the cathedral is equally spectacular. The naves are lined with marble columns and the floor is covered with an impressive mosaic,  made up of 56 inlaid marble panels depicting biblical scenes and allegorical figures.  This is considered one of the most valuable examples of artistic paving in the world.
  • Frescoes: The interior walls of the cathedral are decorated with stunning frescoes by Italian masters such as Duccio di Buoninsegna and Simone Martini. Don’t miss the frescoes in the transept, which depict scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary and the life of Jesus Christ.
Inside Siena Cathedral

Works of art hosted by the Cathedral of Siena (Duomo di Siena)


  • Pulpit: The cathedral houses a spectacular Gothic pulpit, carved by Nicola Pisano in the 13th century. The pulpit is decorated with reliefs depicting scenes from the life of Jesus Christ.

  • Statue of St John the Baptist: This gilded bronze statue, made by Donatello in the 15th century, is considered one of the most important sculptures in the cathedral.

Other works:

  • Paintings: The cathedral also houses an impressive collection of 13th-16th century panel paintings.
  • Enlightened manuscripts: The cathedral library houses a valuable collection of illuminated manuscripts from the Middle Ages.


plafonul catedralei din siena
The cathedral ceiling, meticulously decorated with painted panels depicting religious and mythological scenes, framed by elaborate geometric ornamentation.


altar catedrala di siena
A glimpse of a prayer area with an imposing altar and sumptuous organ, reflecting the cultural and spiritual richness of the place.




fresc catedrala din Siena
It is a detailed capture of a fresco recounting a historical or biblical scene, highlighting Renaissance artistic mastery.

Siena Metropolitan Opera Museum

This museum houses an extensive collection of artworks related to the Duomo, including sculptures, paintings and illuminated manuscripts, which have been removed from the cathedral over the centuries for conservation reasons.

Siena Cathedral is a must for any art and history lover. The variety and quality of the works of art it houses are truly impressive.

muzeul catedralei din siena

Tips for visiting Siena Cathedral:

  • The cathedral is open daily except Wednesdays.
  • It is advisable to wear decent clothes that cover your shoulders and knees.
  • Entrance tickets can be purchased online or at the entrance.  The cost of visiting Siena Cathedral (Duomo di Siena) varies depending on which areas you want to see. Here’s a general idea:

    Basic ticket:

    • Price: Around €7 – Warning!Price may increase to €10  at certain times of the year when the marble “Pavement” is on display.
    • What’s included:Access to the interior of the cathedral and the Piccolomini Library.

    Combination tickets:

    • Combination tickets are available and include access to other areas of the cathedral complex, such as:
      • Baptistery
      • Crypt
      • Museo dell’Opera (Opera Museum)
      • Panorama del Nuovo Duomo (Panorama of the New Cathedral) – the terrace on the unfinished facade of the cathedral
    • Price: Combined tickets start at around €18 (about 95 lei) and can increase depending on how many areas you want to visit.


1.Check current prices and ticket availability online before your visit on the official website  HERE

2.If you plan to visit more than one area of the cathedral complex, a combined ticket may be more cost-effective.

3. Sometimes discounts are offered for children, students and senior citizens.




The visit to Siena Cathedral was an impressive experience that enriched my soul and made me feel closer to the artistic and historical essence of Italy. As one of the most impressive examples of Gothic architecture in Italy, Siena Cathedral captivated me with its ornate facade, full of fine details that capture your eye and transport you into a world of historical reverie.

The Cathedral of Siena is a monument of exceptional beauty and a testimony to the ingenuity and artistic mastery of the Italians. A visit to this masterpiece of Gothic architecture is an unforgettable experience for any lover of art and history.