Discovering Siena: Main Tourist Attraction
Have you ever dreamed of travelling to a city where history comes alive in its medieval streets, where every stone and building tells a chapter of Europe’s rich past? Siena awaits you to discover its beauty and mystery. What would it be like to walk through the narrow streets of Siena and feel part of a bygone era? Let’s explore together the main tourist attractions of this charming city.

Main Tourist Attractions in Siena

  • Piazza del Campo – Siena’s famous central square, known for its unique shell shape and the Palio di Siena event.
  • Palazzo Pubblico – Gothic palace located in Piazza del Campo, which houses the Civic Museum.
  • Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta – One of the most impressive examples of Gothic architecture in Italy, with a spectacularly decorated interior.
  • Biblioteca Piccolomini – Part of Siena Cathedral, this library is famous for its frescoes and illuminated manuscript collections.
  • Palazzo Salimbeni – Headquarters of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, one of the oldest banks in the world, with impressive medieval architecture.
  • Santa Maria della Scala Hospital – A former hospital that now serves as a museum with various exhibits, from archaeology to modern art.
  • Church of San Domenico – Known for the Chapel of Santa Caterina, where the relics of Saint Catherine of Siena are kept.
  • Torre del Mangia – The tall tower of the Palazzo Pubblico, offering a panoramic view of the city.
  • Church of San Martino – Another impressive church in Siena, with outstanding architectural and artistic elements.
  • Oratorio di San Bernardino – Houses works of art by great Italian artists.
  • Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena – An art museum housing an outstanding collection of medieval and Renaissance Italian paintings.
  • Fortezza Medicea – An ancient fortress that today offers spaces for walking and relaxing, as well as views of the city.


In the heart of Tuscany, perched on three hills, Siena opens up like a living history book, full of pages that you can turn step by step, discovering its winding streets, hidden squares and architectural masterpieces. The photographs captured in Siena are more than just images; they are windows into a world where the past coexists harmoniously with the present, a city where every corner cries out stories of yesteryear.

Piazza del Campo

The centre of Siena’s social life, Piazza del Campo is famous for its unique shell shape and the beautiful Fonte Gaia. It’s where the past meets the present during the famous Palio di Siena, an intense and passionate horse race held twice a year. The photos show how lively and colourful the square is, a place where people gather, share stories or simply enjoy the beauty of the day.

Fontana Gaia- the historical heart of Siena

Fontana Gaia is one of the most imposing and admired fountains in the city. Originally built in 1342, it was later renovated by Jacopo della Quercia in 1419, transforming it into a Renaissance masterpiece. The fountain is decorated with detailed bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the Old Testament as well as allegories of the virtues, all framing elegant statues of mythological figures. The fountain’s crystalline waters not only add to the beauty of Piazza del Campo, but also have historical significance, reflecting Siena’s innovative water supply systems of old. Fontana Gaia is not only a tourist attraction, but also a symbol of Siena’s prosperity and refined art.

Medieval Ducts and Gothic Architecture

Siena is a maze of narrow cobbled streets that lead you through history and invite you to discover the city’s secrets. Each street has its own character, from the aged facades and ornate windows to the massive wooden doors and flower-adorned balconies. In photographs, the eye is drawn to the verticality of the towers and details such as a simple street lamp or a ruffle hanging in the window.

Siena Cathedral

Siena Cathedral, or Duomo, with its impressive Gothic façade, is a spiritual and architectural landmark. The interior, equally spectacular, is a testament to Sienese craftsmanship. Exterior photographs of the cathedral highlight its grandeur, while the flocks of tourists at its gates are a reminder of the universal fascination of this monument.


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