Spring in Milan: the Streets in Bloom

Milan, a city renowned for fashion, art and design, turns into a living picture every spring. A stroll through its streets allows you to experience a festival of colours, aromas and sounds, a real feast for the senses.

In this article, we explore how Milan’s streets and parks come alive in this enchanting season.

Early Spring

primavara in Milano

Spring makes its presence felt in Milan with the early flowering of magnolias and Japanese cherry trees, which bring a vibrant contrast to the cityscape. The city’s mild Mediterranean climate favours a rich floral diversity, turning every corner into a picturesque scene.

Milano, strazile inflorite primavara

Milan’s most beautiful streets in bloom

Among the streets worth visiting is Via Monte Napoleone, known for its luxury shops, but also for the rows of flowering trees that delight passers-by.

Corso Venezia, with its wide alleys, is adorned with a multitude of flowers, providing a memorable visual spectacle.


on the streets of Milan in springParks and Gardens

Parco Sempione, the city’s green lung, is the perfect place to enjoy the sun and the revived nature. Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli also offers an oasis of calm, ideal for relaxing strolls through its flowery alleys.

Milano si copacci incloriti

Spring Events

Spring brings to Milano many cultural events and festivals, such as the Settimana della Moda, which attracts fashion enthusiasts from all over the world. Festa di San Marco is celebrated with great pomp, with the streets filling with music and colour.

Milano primavara

Tips for Visitors

For those planning to visit Milan in spring, it is recommended to use a bicycle or public transport to get around easily. The city is full of places to visit, from the impressive Duomo cathedral to the Castello Sforzesco, each with its own springtime charm.

Strazile din Milano cu copacii infloriti primavaraStrazile din Milano in floarePrimavara pe strazile din Milanomilano, cladiri istoricePrimavara in milano cu copacii infloriti si iarba verde