A day in Siena: The perfect itinerary for travellers
In a year as atypical as 2020, travel had lost its usual sparkle. However, even in those moments of total stoppage, there were moments that offered an escape from the everyday. One such moment was our summer holiday, which we chose to spend in the heart of nature in Tuscany. We chose accommodation that included a swimming pool, where we could relax in peace and quiet, avoiding the crowds of beaches. And yet, in those days spent in the heart of Tuscany, we took a day trip to Siena. Recently, I found the photos from that trip and felt a strong urge to share with you the experience of a day spent in this city steeped in history and culture.

Siena is a medieval walled city of streets paved with pietra serena and red brick buildings. The Historic Centre is completely closed to traffic, and if you want to visit Siena by strolling quietly through its streets, follow the tips (which I leave below) and enjoy the city.

If you have a little time to spare, my walking itinerary for a day will be enough to give you an idea of the beauty of Siena.

One Day Itinerary in Siena

 Piazza del Campo and Palazzo PubblicoMorning

Our day in Siena began in the famous Piazza del Campo (in the rain, as you can see from the photos).

Siena- piazza del campoPiazza del Campo, renowned for its unique shell shape and for the Palio, the horse race, an event not to be missed if you visit the city in July or August. At that quiet time, the square was unusually empty, allowing us to admire the Gothic architecture and the sloping red brick pavement in detail.

Siena- Italia-piazza del campo

In the Campo square you can also admire the Gaia Fountain and Palazzo Pubblico, an outstanding example of 14th century Gothic architecture.

Siena- Italy, picture of piazza del campoThe white marble fountain is called Fonte Gaia. In 1346, the first water jet was greeted with jubilation by the population who, for this reason, gave it the name of Gaia.

Siena- fontana in piazza del campoThe actual fountain was commissioned in 1409 from Jacopo della Quercia and is now inside the Palazzo Pubblico. What you see today in the square is a replica.

The Cathedral of SienaThe Daily News

Siena CathedralThe rain didn’t last long and the clouds cleared, so from Piazza del Campo, we walked to Siena Cathedral (Duomo di Siena), a masterpiece of Italian Gothic architecture. Its impressive façade, decorated with white, black and red marble, is a breathtaking sight.

SIENA - domoInside, the artwork and mosaic floor, depicting biblical and mythological scenes, transport you back in time, offering a visual lesson in theology and art.

Afternoon: Basilica di San Domenico and Casa di Santa Caterina

Siena- photo in Piazza del campoContinue with the Basilica di San Domenico, known for its preservation of the head and finger of Saint Catherine of Siena. Near the basilica is the Casa di Santa Caterina, where she lived and which now serves as a shrine dedicated to her life.

Other tourist attractions in Siena

Siena- torre del mangiaTorre del Mangia. This place is the cultural and social heart of the city, famous for its medieval architecture that has remained almost unchanged over the centuries. The tall tower and Gothic structure of the palace offer a testimony to the power and prosperity Siena enjoyed in the Middle Ages.


Siena- Italia- Torre del mangia

Pincoteca Nazionale: Admire an impressive collection of 13th-16th century Italian art at the Pinacoteca Nazionale, housed in Palazzo Buonsignori. You’ll find works by masters such as Duccio di Buoninsegna, Simone Martini and Ambrogio Lorenzetti.

Siena- Italy-straziBattistero di San Giovanni: The Baptistery of Siena, a masterpiece of Gothic sculpture, houses a hexagonal baptismal font decorated with stunning carvings by Nicola Pisano and Donatello.

Museo dell’Opera Metropolitana: Discover an extensive collection of Duomo-related artworks, including sculptures, paintings and illuminated manuscripts, at the Museo dell’Opera Metropolitana.

Siena- ItalyPalazzo Salimbeni: Admire the Renaissance architecture of Palazzo Salimbeni, once home to Monte dei Paschi di Siena, one of the oldest banks in the world.

Giardino della Lizza: Relax in the Giardino della Lizza public gardens, set on a hill overlooking Siena. Enjoy panoramic views of the city and admire the sculptures and fountains in the garden.

Mercato delle Erbe: Stroll through the Mercato delle Erbe, a vibrant market full of stalls selling fresh produce, flowers and souvenirs. Don’t forget to sample delicious local produce such as cheeses, wines and olive oil.

Siena- Italia1. Produse locale

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