Fashion, Lifestyle & Travel Milan – Italy

Categories: FASHION

ATSUSHI NAKASHIMA Primavara-Vara 2017

Milano, 24 septembrie 2016 – Colecția lui Athushi Nakashima a fost prezentată la Palazzo Reale din Milano.

Nakatushima este un japonez, câștigător al concursului internațional DHL Exported. Datorită acestui proiect, semnat DHL în colaborare cu IMG Fahion, disignerul japonez se află pe podiumurile de la Fashion Week din Milano pentru a doua oară.

Fashion designer-ul japonez Atsushi Nakashima a creat o colecție de vară 2017 care a impresionat întreaga lume a modei. Inspirat de frumusețea naturii și de formele organice, Nakashima a combinat elemente tradiționale japoneze cu tehnici moderne de design, ceea ce a dus la crearea unei colecții unice și sofisticate.

„Sunt foarte onorat că pot să-mi prezint colecțiile chiar pe podiumurile din Milano, unde mi-am dorit să ajung deoarece acest loc  reprezintă pentru mine un templu de necontestat al modei.”

DHL Explorted este un proiect din 2014, care a pornit cu iniziativa  de-a da posibilitatea a patru câștigători de a se primova și a-și crea vizibilitate în străinătate, datorită posibilității de a defila două semetre la rând în una din cele patru piațe importante în lumea modei:  New York, Milano, Londra, Tokyo. Astfel, disignerii sunt inregistrați în caendarul oficial al evenimentelor și primesc ajutor financiar pentru organizarea celor două sesiuni de sfilate, de la producție, până la transportul colecțiilor.

În colecția primăvară/vară 2017, Atsushi Nakashima triumfă anticonformismul și modernismul. Un amestic de țesături, forme, culori și linii pentru un rezultat ieșit din comun. Putem vedea: trenciuri lungi, rochii lungi vaporoase croite din voaluri de mătase. Buline și linii împreună, între transparență și tocuri înalte. Jachete largi purtate peste pantaloni scurți și topuri, culori militărești.

Modelele ies pe podium câte una sau în copie, fiind rujate pe față, nu pe buze. Totul este posiblil. Totul este în plină schimbare.

Materiale naturale și texturi contrastante

Materialele naturale, precum bumbacul, mătasea și inul, sunt prezente în fiecare piesă din colecția Atsushi Nakashima. Acestea sunt combinate cu texturi contrastante, precum dantela și tulle-ul, pentru a crea un efect dramatic și elegant. De asemenea, designer-ul a jucat cu culorile, adăugând accente puternice de roșu, albastru și verde, care completează armonios paleta cromatică a colecției.

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Siluete fluid șe forme organice

Siluetele fluide și formele organice sunt caracteristicile principale ale colecției Atsushi Nakashima. Acestea sunt create prin tăierea și cusătura materialelor într-un mod care permite mișcarea liberă a corpului. De asemenea, designer-ul a adăugat detalii precum volanele și pliseurile, care creează un efect de legănare și adaugă un plus de eleganță ținutelor.

Detalii unice și accesorii statement

Fiecare piesă din colecția Atsushi Nakashima este adornată cu detalii unice, precum nasturi oversized și broderii intricate. De asemenea, designer-ul a inclus accesorii statement, precum bijuterii din perle și esarfe, care completează ținutele și adaugă un plus de eleganță.

Culorile predominante: rosu, alb, negru, gri, verde acid.


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MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: A model walks the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Models walk the runway at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 23: Designer Atsushi Nakashima acknowledges the applause of the audience at the Atsushi Nakashima show during Milan Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2017 on September 23, 2016 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for IMG Fashion)more
Liudmila Carta

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Liudmila Carta

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